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Chef's Kitchens

Flying Pig
Sweet Heat


Old-School --- New Flavors!

Flying Pig Cook Shop is dedicated to creating the finest, imaginative  hot stuff on the market.


We begin by slow-smoking raw honey, then finish them off with spicy chiles...just enough to reach that

perfect balance of sweet and heat


Our Sweet Heat smoked hot honeys go amazingly on pizza (believe it or not), chops and, of course, chicken wings. Try a bit in your chili to bump things up a bit, or even in your favorite cocktail!


"Fly Fiercely My Friends!"

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Flying Pig Cook Shop Sources Only the Finest Ingredients for it's Sweet Heat.

We Then Slowly Ferment our Fresno, Ancho and Habanero Chiles, Blend Them with

Hand-Toasted Spices, Add Premium Liquors and Raw, Unfiltered Honey.


The Results are Incredible, Umami-Packed, Spicy, Sweet Sauces That Go Great with So Much.

Try Them on Chicken, Pork, Beef, Vegetables and Even in Your Favorite Cocktails.

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Chicken Wings and Drumsticks

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